The Movie Museum and Electric Theatre

Kev Franzi’s Movie Museum and Electric Theatre was established in Kenilworth in 1990. Since that time, the stars of the show – his collection of fully working cameras and projectors that captured and exhibited over a Century of Cinema - continues to entertain, inform and inspire a multitude of people in the 55 seat Electric Theatre. Each year Kev produced and presented a new 2 hour show that fully illustrated some exciting aspect of Cinema development, and the Australian connection was always featured. There was no need to advertise – the Coach Groups just kept coming year after year. Now his latest show Capturing the Australian Image – Past, Present and future continues this tradition of celebrating the work of our Image Makers.

Now fully equipped with the latest digital video technology to record and present his shows (using his Video Diary techniques), The Electric Theatre presentations clearly illustrate the potential of the Australian Image Project. Come and see for yourself. Coach Groups are invited to enjoy our unique 2 hour shows in the Journeys In Time Series and be part of our exciting enterprise.
Bookings are essential. For more information phone 07-54460341.

CINEMAWORKS - to entertain, inform and inspire.

Cinemaworks is located at 2655 Eumundi Rd. Kenilworth (3kms from town).
Due to teaching and production commitments our 2 hour shows can only be presented to groups of 10 or more, though other people are welcome to join the group presentations - please phone us for details.
Admission: $ 10 pp for Regular Shows and with slightly higher prices for Special Feature Shows.


Now at 85, Kev is seeking support to complete stage two of the Australian Image Hall of Fame project as a unique tourist attraction. This enterprise represents the work and passion of a lifetime, hopefully he will find the right people to share the passion and carry on this enterprise.

Some Stars of The Australian Cinema Heritage Collection - significant items in our cinema history.

A TRULY Magic Lantern 

With its glass slides and moving Chromotrope shows, this 1880s Magic Lantern illustrates the beginnings of storytelling on the big screen.

THE Lumiere

In 1896 The Lumiere Cinematographe captures and shows Australia’s first films on the big screen to amazed audiences. Let me show you!

A Warwick

The 1900 Warwick Bioscope joins the Lumiere to create a vibrant new film industry in Australia.
What a story!

Al's 1905 Pathe X503

Al Burne with his 1905 Pathe captured Queensland’s history for almost 70 years. Another great story of Aussie Enterprise and ingenuity.

A Powers

For over 70 years Powers Projectors (with their unique movement) showed a rock steady picture on screens all over Australia. Still performing, this beauty stars in our shows today.

Gear Train

The Powers gear train is a work of art and with a daily drop of oil, it will run for another 100 years. The Powers starred in that great Australian Film - The Picture Show Man.


THE Fastax
High Speed Camera

The Fastax is typical of the special purpose cameras made for Scientific and Industrial Research. This significant camera made a major scientific discovery at the Queensland University.

The Bell & Howell

The Bell & Howell Eyemo is my favorite camera. The great workhorse of Newsreel and Documentary Film Production throughout the World and a major contributor to our cinema history.

AND Bell & Howell

Made in 1931, the same year as Kev, this very significant camera is one of only four to have the Bell & Howell factory installed sound recording system. A rare beast and there’s much to "show and tell".

THE 1922 Cine–Kodak
Model A  

The first model A Cine-Kodak introduced 16mm Home Movies to the world creating a vast new industry. The camera and the first 16mm Kodascope projector were designed by the Frenchman Mr Julien Tessier. This camera too has an interesting story.

AN 8mm Cine-Kodak

Of ingenious design, this rugged and compact little 1930s cine-camera was used to capture WW 2. action in North Africa with excellent results.

Toy Projector

From the sublime to – this well made 16mm German toy projector and it’s silent films brought joy and laughter to generations of kids before the introduction of Television.

Our Production Stills provide an exciting glimpse into the “Behind the scenes” action. They have become valuable records of our Cinema history.

Rare memorabilia like this ticket office sign and even the tickets themselves are important items featured in the collection.

The art of the Poster Maker stimulated our interest in the Coming Attractions and some become collectors’ treasures. Another form of Cinema art.

Posters and Lobby Cards add colour to the collection and stir memories of great moments in Cinema.

 And Much Much More, from a 19th Century Camera Obscura to the latest in Digital Technology - the "tools of the trade" - the people who used them and the history they captured will entertain, inform and inspire - let me show you!